MC + Jonathan: The Best of Richmond Couple Portraits
While working on MC & Jonathan's portraits, I couldn't stop smiling. My cheeks and face hurt by the time I was done. These two are so incredibly in love, and happy together, and it truly shows. They found out just a few days before our session that they would be selling their house and moving to Texas, leaving this city that they love so dearly behind. Jonathan is now in Texas, while MC settles up everything here. I hope these pictures bring smiles to their faces, and help them feel closer and connected, until they can physically be together again.
This past weekend had left me an utter mess, with a vast sense of hopelessness. Sitting at my desk, trying to focus on work, and not look at my phone to get the latest update on the Pulse Nightclub shooting was nearly impossible. These portraits helped to get me through that, and reminded me that this is why I'm a photographer. Being there for my queer community, and helping to create memories that will be cherished by couples and their families for years to come is incredibly humbling, important, and fills my heart with joy.

Let's Make Some Magic Together
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